I've been struggling with my frustrations a lot lately. I even said last night that emotionally, I am done. I can't do this anymore. Being emotionally exhausted makes every other part of me exhausted and that's been me for the last few days. I haven't been able to even come close to getting a grip on it.
I have been so caught up in what was going on in my life that at times I forget to turn to Jesus about them. I forget that I can find comfort in Him and in His love.
It's frustrating when someone close to you continually puts you down. Continually puts your faith down. Continually puts something you love doing down. It's frustrating that they don't get it. It's frustrating that they don't see why you do what you do or believe what you believe. I start to try to take comfort in the natural emotional response of anger. I try to find rest in the fact that being angry is okay. The reality is that those feelings never fully satisfy me. They wear me out and wear me down. I become easily worn.
Jesus says that because He was persecuted, we will be persecuted also. At times, that is frustrating. I don't want loves ones criticizing my faith and beliefs or what I do for God. Sometimes I wish God just waved a magic wand and my life would be great and hurt free. But what kind of life is that? How will I ever learn or grow? Some of my biggest growths have come from hurt and pain.
The Bible also says in Isaiah 26:3 that "You will keep in perfect peace those who minds are steadfast, because they trust you." We can be given this peace, not any peace but God's peace, when we keep our minds set on Him. How awesome is that?! We can remain at peace when we focus on God. Not an easy thing to do because it's easy to throw our anger on Him when something goes wrong. That's one solution. The better solution is to seek Him even more. Wrap yourself up in His love. Know that He will guide you through whatever it may be. Know that He is never letting to of you. And you can find true rest and comfort in Him. His peace. His love.
I choose Jesus. I choose to find rest in Him. I choose to know His love for me is very real and never failing. Although I know all of those things, not letting my angry flesh take hold is still something I struggle with daily. And only Jesus can help me beat it.
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